SHREEyoga is an involuntary yoga that happens automatically once you connect to the path.
Shree means prosperity in life. After OM, the Nucleus of the cosmos or as per religions we call God, Shree its energy with the urge of creation, splits the Nucleus into many nucleus particles. Science calls it big bang or some philosophies call the nucleus particles as God Particles. So we all are God particles. But unlike the pure consciousness of the Nucleus, we have limited consciousness which is bound to only awareness. So we are a speck of awareness with limited energy.
As all particles are Nucleus or God particles, Shree wants all to be prosperous, happy and in peace with the universal consciousness. In the first birth of the particles all were quite happy but through the cycles of births and deaths due to gaining the Karma, the consciousness and energy of the particles got too personal, limited and moved away from universality. Due to this problem, most of us lack of energies. We get shaken by small problems. Our elders had much better energies. They were not shaken by small problems in life. Next generations will have much LESS energies due to which they will always be in the life of stress, fears, worries and so on. In fact we are already into all these.

We can gain energies from the Mother Nature, Shree, to deal with the situations in our lives. We can have better understanding of the situation, patience, with standing energies and so on. It is like A SMOKER who does not have energies to quit smoking. He knows that smoking is a bad habit. But yet, he cannot quit smoking due to lack of energy. If he gains the energy from the cosmos, he can easily quit smoking. Not just smoking any bad habit can be quit. We have several other INNER BAD HABITS such as LUST, ANGER, GREED, JEALOUSY and so on. These can be fixed by gaining the energies from The Nature or The Cosmos.
As SHREEyoga is practiced with very little effort, balancing will start happening in all aspects of your life and personality. You will start attracting people and people will find many changes in your personality automatically and you will find an inner peace and energy that will make you much bolder and fearless in life.
In the path of SHREEyoga, you will also start getting directions about your life.