We have various programs for all age groups. SHREEyoga is a way of living that balances your life in harmony with the “Laws Of Nature” which fetches prosperity in life. If an individual gets prosperity, then family gets prosperous. Then society, the country and the humanity of the whole world be prosperous. An individual can bring not just change in him but his “vibrations” change the whole environment which would have impact in transforming the world.

Program for school children

We are already living the lives of stress, anxiousness, wrong decisions, no clarity of situations in life and so on. With the divine guidance, we have designed a program for school children who can simply connect to “The Cosmic Energy” and automatically gain energies for better education, mind power and personality which will give great next generation to the world.

My service

The whole enterprise of education is inextricably linked with the development of values. Devoid of the potential to nurture values, education loses its heart and soul. No one who attempts to depict the spirit of the age in which we live can possibly overlook the importance of education for values. Yoga is one of the means to encourage and foster the development of values.

I offer a Yoga program for young children that incorporates breathing, poses and physical fun activities in a safe environment and structured format designed to align the children with their natural inner beings. This provides for a holistic development of children in a systematic and focused way.

Classes can be tailored to suit the current grade theme.

Benefits of Yoga

Children today are under a lot of stress. Today’s children deal with a lot more than what it used to be during their parents’ childhood years. They have to deal with innumerable distractions, temptations thrown at them from over-stimulated multimedia exposure, homework, endless after-school activities, over-scheduling, along with the regular issues of peer pressure and challenges of sibling pressures. They have to be creative in an extremely competitive world – — it all adds up. This is where yoga can help. It is a low-cost, supportive tool that can have a constructive influence on children.

Children are actually natural yogis. Their ability to trust in others and have less inhibitions than adults, allows them to receive the teachings of yoga and grow from them in inspiring ways. Yoga can benefit children significantly, and in some ways, possibly even more so than it nourishes adults. Yoga is non-competitive and can be done either alone or in a group, with no equipment, which makes it a great activity for children to participate in anywhere, anytime! Here are some of the many benefits of teaching yoga to kids:

  • Healthy habits – besides the obvious benefits of yoga in helping us be stronger and more flexible, yoga for children also helps in developing coordination, balance and many other important motor skills.
  • Focus and follow instructions – Yoga teaches children to be present, to concentrate, follow instructions and focus on their breathing. They learn how breathing can help them throughout the day, in any situation.
  • Calming techniques – Children often deal with their emotions by crying and throwing tantrums. Yoga enables them to have techniques they can begin to apply to situations in everyday life.
  • Positive mental health – Children who have the above-mentioned techniques are more likely to be positive, optimistic, focused and calm, which are all tools for resilience.
  • Body awareness – Yoga teaches children how to move more freely and with greater ease and awareness as well as learning about body parts and concepts such as left and right.
  • Coordination and muscle tone – The postures used help children become strong and flexible, with increased muscle tone.
  • Balance – One of the most important aspects of yoga is developing balance skills and stretching appropriately.
  • Posture – Having strong core muscles can help children to sit appropriately with an upright posture for longer periods of time and assist in increasing attention and focus at school and home.

Program for parents and teachers

In the competitive world, both parents and teachers at times push children for better education-oriented results. Life is not about bringing change in others forcibly. The change in personality needs to happen automatically. This program enables parents and teachers to understand “how NATURE operates” and how to deal with situations and people in the world. This program also enables them to gain cosmic energies to control their weaknesses and have better personalities, careers, peace, health and finances.

Program for businesses

I am offering a unique wellness program tailored to your company’s needs.

There is a way of running and managing the business which is in harmony with the laws of Nature. This program enables top level executives, managerial executives and employees to understand the TRUE MEANING OF BUSINESS from the cosmic perspectives. Once the COSMIC energy is added to the business, then the business run more automatically towards PROSPERITY.

Your workforce is your greatest asset. Corporates spend a lot of money each year on continuous professional development to upskill staff, improve work performance and professional reputation of the firm only to find people leaving with these skills or succumbing to stress.

A healthy, happy workforce directly translates to increased productivity, decreased employee absenteeism and better staff retention.

Studies have shown that workplace stress is a strong risk factor for preludes to cardiovascular disease (obesity, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure) and of adverse cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and stroke. There is also a growing body of evidence that work-related stress increases one’s risk of diabetes.

Workplace stress also has adverse effects on workers’ mental health, with an increased risk of anxiety, burnout, depression, and substance use disorders. Workers who are stressed at work are more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviours, such as cigarette smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, and poor dietary patterns.

Benefits of Yoga in the Workplace

There are many benefits of incorporating yoga in your workplace. From increased energy levels to increased productivity, here are some of the benefits:

  • Increased Energy
  • Reduced Stress
  • Increased Confidence
  • Improved Posture
  • Increased Immunity
  • Increased Focus
  • Improved Breathing
  • Increased Morale
  • Increased Creativity
  • Better Flexibility
  • Better Digestion
  • Reduced Absenteeism
  • Reduced Irritability and Aggression
  • Increased Productivity

Incorporating yoga into your employees’ lives can improve their mental and physical health. The poses of yoga can help reduce physical pain, workplace stress and also decrease absenteeism. With energy levels increased, your employees will be more productive and motivated to work. Aside from physical poses, yoga includes a meditation component to reduce anxiety and for good decision making.

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