Jessie Govender 

I have been unknowingly leading the spiritual life since my childhood which matured me to meet my Guru naturally. The birth of child as well is part of the process of my spiritual life.

Meeting my Guru whom, we call Shree Guru has brought tremendous change in my life and personality. People started asking me about the changes in my personality and transformation. There is a lot of transformation in my husband and son too. Subsequent various yogic spiritual practices, I have got the divine guidance to “pass this knowledge of prosperity” to the people around. That has lead me to start this divine endeavor in which I am being medium. 

 My Spiritual Guru, Shree Guru 

Jessie is a wonderful Teacher who can guide others to gain prosperity in life by gaining the cosmic energies. 

Life is very simple but yet, everyone is so anxious in the modern world, which is spoiling the health, longevity and happiness of life. SHREEyoga will help all to gain cosmic energies and be happy and prosperous in life. 


My Husband Malin Govender 


My Son, Jasua Govender 

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